How to Run JavaScript in Firefox, Google Chrome and Internet Explorer

JavaScript is object oriented programming language which is mainly used as a client side scripting language. JavaScript codes embedded in HTML page  to add dynamic functionality.When a user sends a javascript query to the browser then browser performs a specific task according to script. Many JavaScript codes have been written for fun in browsers like Hack FacebookRotate ImagesCool JavaScripts etc. But the latest versions of major browsers like Firefox, Google Chrome and Internet Explorer does not supports these JavaScript codes due to security reasons.
In latest browsers when the JavaScript codes are run directly in address bar then instead of performing a task it searches the code in default search engine.However we have found a way to execute these codes.You just have to follow this step-by-step tutorials to run JavaScript in your adsress bar.

Before Proceeding Make Sure that Bookmark Bar is visible, if not follow the below mentioned steps (Otherwise skip)

For Mozilla Firefox, Right Click on Navigation Toolbar and select Bookmark Toolbar to view Bookmarks bar.
112 How to Run JavaScript in Firefox, Google Chrome and Internet Explorer
For Google Chrome, Click the Wrench Icon (Settings) and expand Bookmarks Menu to Select Show Bookmarks Bar. Now the Bookmark bar will visible just below the Chrome address bar.
123 How to Run JavaScript in Firefox, Google Chrome and Internet Explorer

How to Run JavaScript in Mozilla Firefox URL Bar

Create a Bookmark of the JavaScript code by dragging and dropping it in Bookmark bar.Now click on the bookmark to execute the code.

Alternate Method

  • First of all install NoScript Extension in your Firefox browser From Here
  • Now in address bar type about:config and hit Enter.
  • Select i’ll be careful,I promise button and It will prompted you to FirefoxConfiguration Settings.
  • Search for the noscript.allowURLBarJS in Filter Field.
  • Now Right Click on search result and select Toogle. Its value will changed to true.
  • Now Run any JavaScript by placing it directly in address bar.

How to Run JavaScript in Google Chrome

Same as of Mozilla Firefox, First, create a bookmark the JavaScript code and click on it.

How to Run JavaScript in Internet Explorer

Sometimes the Internet Explorer directly executes the code when placed in address bar but sometimes it doesn’t work. To get out of such situation type “javascript:” manually at the starting of the code and then hit Enter.
javascript: alert(4+5+6+7+(3*10));

Here is The Screencast Run JavaScript in Firefox, Google Chrome and Internet Explorer


  1. Can I use any javascript by using this trick?

  2. Hope I will use this Javascript with the help of your given ideas. Will try it.

  3. I truly like to reading your post. Thank you so much for taking the time to share such a nice information.
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  4. Video has an error, you toggled from to true to false
